Heating & Cooling

Heating & Air Service in South Boston & Danville

You need the name and number of a good HVAC company on your fridge. That way, when your whole family is overheating during the hottest days of the year because your AC broke down or everyone’s bundled up under blankets during a frigid winter because your heater won’t work, you’ll instantly know which of the local residential companies to call.

Halo Heating & Cooling is the name to have on your fridge, along with this number: (434) 572-2349. But we offer a lot more than heating and air conditioning service. Our company is also committed to air quality and comfort, and other benefits for your home.

Best Heating & Air in Southern Virginia

It’s essential for homes in cold environments to have a working heating system, and life is certainly more comfortable when you’re able to cool down during hot weather. Our affordable service includes installation and repairs of heating and air conditioning systems. We can work with the systems you already have or help you get up to date with new energy efficient systems.

We don’t just start and stop with heating and cooling in South Boston, VA homes and businesses. The quality and comfort of your air also matter a great deal, which we focus on through ventilation. If there is mold, mildew or dust in your airways, you could be blowing these contaminants around every time you try to heat or cool your home, potentially harming the health of your family. There are also many pollutants that contaminate indoor air quality in a home, coming from cleaning products and other sources.

We believe that your air shouldn’t just be warm or cold, but that it should be clean. It should also be comfortable, with just the right amount of humidity, so your home and body aren’t completely dried out, but not too moist either. To us, that’s a Heavenly home.

Your Air Repair Experts

We know it can make you nervous to have a stranger come to your home. That’s why we make sure our technicians are trustworthy by performing background checks before they ever enter your house. We also ensure that they are professional by wearing uniforms and providing helpful service, and knowledgeable by going through education and training. You’ll feel comfortable welcoming our specialists to your home.

Need a HVAC Quote?

Contact Rick, he’d love to talk with you about your project!

HVAC Projects


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